Future of Quantum Computing from Giant and Pioneer in the field | NextBigFuture.com

Date 18th, Oct 2018
Source NextBigFuture - Scientific News Websites


Seth Lloyd contributed a lot of the basic science and theory of a lot of Quantum computing. Seth developed the design of adiabatic computing in 2002 which was implemented by D-Wave Systems in 2006 and continues to be a growing commercial business. David Deutsch is called the Father of Quantum Computing but Seth Lloyd has done a lot. Deutsch invented the idea of the quantum computer in the 1970s and mid-1980s as a way to experimentally test the “Many Universes Theory” of quantum physics – the idea that when a particle changes, it changes into all possible forms, across multiple The post Future of Quantum Computing from Giant and Pioneer in the field appeared first on NextBigFuture.com.